Essentials of BOSSA nova | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

тренинг: Essentials of BOSSA nova

Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

Learn Fast – Don’t Fail Fast: Workshop on the Essentials of BOSSA nova, the synthesis of Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy & Agile

Agile beyond IT and beyond just doing it, but rather being it requires experimenting continuously in order to learn continuously. Thus more important than failing fast is learning fast. In this workshop we will learn what learning fast means for every individual and the organization as a whole and we will define experiments for you to use in your company for becoming agile truly. This will allow you to create an environment for continuous innovations.

About BOSSA nova

BOSSA nova is an approach for company-wide agility. It enables your company to be agile, nimble, and flexible by combining:

  • Beyond Budgeting (adaptive budgeting)
  • Open Space (leveraging the power of innovation from all employees)
  • Sociocracy (flexible organizational structure that allows decentralized decision-making)
  • Agile (continuous learning via experiments and feedback).

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Jutta Explains BOSSA nova

Learning Outcome

  • Learn how to conduct experiments, how to learn from them, and how to scale them
  • Understand the prerequisites for creating your own experiments
  • Learn how to design experiments dependent on the outcome you aim for in respect to the environment you are in
  • Understand that everyone in an organization can foster learning (faster)
  • Develop strategies for the application in your own context

Outline/Structure of the Workshop

  1. Welcome and working agreements (20min)
  2. Set the stage - individual and common goals (30min)
  3. Defining the context (30min) (include frameworks)
  4. Finding out what (in the participants context) has supported or hindered being agile (and not only doing it) and what was difficult along the way (60min)
  5. Sharing and understanding participants' challenges and decide in groups on the top ones (30min)
  6. Explanation of new possibilities by presenting key findings (e.g. from complexity theory, but also proven experiments) (60min)
  7. Understand in detail what these findings mean and how they can address the top challenges. (90min)
  8. Share the new understanding (30min)
  9. Applicability in own environment (70min)
  10. Discussion of possible next steps (30min)
  11. Debrief and Wrap-Up (30min)

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Independent coach, consultant, and trainer

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Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

Learn Fast – Don’t Fail Fast: Workshop on the Essentials of BOSSA nova, the synthesis of Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy & Agile

Agile beyond IT and beyond just doing it, but rather being it requires experimenting continuously in order to learn continuously. Thus more important than failing fast is learning fast. In this workshop we will learn what learning fast means for every individual and the organization as a whole and we will define experiments for you to use in your company for becoming agile truly. This will allow you to create an environment for continuous innovations.

About BOSSA nova

BOSSA nova is an approach for company-wide agility. It enables your company to be agile, nimble, and flexible by combining:

  • Beyond Budgeting (adaptive budgeting)
  • Open Space (leveraging the power of innovation from all employees)
  • Sociocracy (flexible organizational structure that allows decentralized decision-making)
  • Agile (continuous learning via experiments and feedback).

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Jutta Explains BOSSA nova

Learning Outcome

  • Learn how to conduct experiments, how to learn from them, and how to scale them
  • Understand the prerequisites for creating your own experiments
  • Learn how to design experiments dependent on the outcome you aim for in respect to the environment you are in
  • Understand that everyone in an organization can foster learning (faster)
  • Develop strategies for the application in your own context

Outline/Structure of the Workshop

  1. Welcome and working agreements (20min)
  2. Set the stage - individual and common goals (30min)
  3. Defining the context (30min) (include frameworks)
  4. Finding out what (in the participants context) has supported or hindered being agile (and not only doing it) and what was difficult along the way (60min)
  5. Sharing and understanding participants' challenges and decide in groups on the top ones (30min)
  6. Explanation of new possibilities by presenting key findings (e.g. from complexity theory, but also proven experiments) (60min)
  7. Understand in detail what these findings mean and how they can address the top challenges. (90min)
  8. Share the new understanding (30min)
  9. Applicability in own environment (70min)
  10. Discussion of possible next steps (30min)
  11. Debrief and Wrap-Up (30min)


Independent coach, consultant, and trainer

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Алексей Кривицкий  

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