Certified LeSS Practitioner with Jurgen De Smet | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

тренинг: Certified LeSS Practitioner with Jurgen De Smet

Международная сертификация: Certified LeSS Practitioner (CLP).
Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

Что будет на классе "Certified LeSS Practitioner":

  1. Системное мышление в основе организационных изменений, change management
  2. Формирование продуктовых команд, продукт, продуктовое мышление. Масштабирование продуктовых практик
  3. Масштабирование Scrum
  4. Создание общего беклога, работа с беклогом на масштабе 5+ команд
  5. Многокомандные встречи, фасилитация в масштабе
  6. Качество как основа продуктовой разработки. Инженерное качество. Принципы обеспечения качества на большом скейле
  7. Взращивание end-to-end команд, team development roadmap
  8. Роли в скейле
  9. Взаимодействие команд в рамках одного продукта, синхронизация работы, координация команд в масштабе
  10. Посторонние discovery/delivery pipeline на масштабе

Для кого этот класс:

  1. Для VP of Product, VP of engineering продуктовых компаний, которые находятся на этапе перехода с Introduction в Growth, хотят масштабировать инжиниринг
  2. Для head of PMo, Head of Business line классических компаний, которые на пороге больших трансформаций
  3. Для компаний, которые используют Scrum и ищут понимания как его масштабировать. Класс 3 дня. Ведут практики того, о чем рассказывают. Будет очень глубоко и основательно.

What is LeSS

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.

LeSS is to the organization what Scrum is to the team: a simple, powerful, large-scale product development framework designed to evolve into something that fits perfectly with any unique context.

If you are not moving at the speed of the marketplace you're already dead - you just haven't stopped breathing yet. - Jack Welch

The organization structure in which most of us operate today can be quite an obstacle to respond adequately to a fast-changing business environment. In fact, traditional organization structures are not designed to deal with a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. This leads to employees feeling disengaged from their companies, and to companies being outpaced by their competition.

Consequently, organizations need to redesign their structures to cope with the phenomenon and increase their capability to move faster than competition, incorporate new technology, learn new skills...

LeSS will give you exactly that competitive advantage!

Class Impressions

Jurgen was an excellent trainer and facilitator. He answered all questions but first challenged the participants to figure out the answers ourselves. He was able to relate to the developers on a personal level b/c of past experience: this bought him credibility that most trainers do not have. Most of the training was spent doing exercises in groups, which kept me engaged and interested. That also made the content feel real. I was really impressed with the training and by Jurgen

Who should Attend

The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is for anyone who is involved a large agile adoption. Basic Scrum knowledge is expected.


The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework, rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group.

  • Why LeSS?
  • Scrum, LeSS and LeSS Huge Overview
  • LeSS Rules and Principles
  • Organizing around Customer Value and Feature Teams
  • What is your product?
  • Definition of Done and its impacts.
  • Product Owner and Product Backlog
  • Role of Management
  • Organizational impacts and typical LeSS organizational structure
  • LeSS Product Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, Review and Retrospective
  • Consideration on technical practices when scaling.
  • Integration & Coordination
  • Adopting LeSS in your organization
  • ScrumMaster role within LeSS

The course is based on group exercises with lots of Q&A. During the 3 days you will get insights from LeSS adoptions at Agfa Healthcare, Base Company, Sparefoot and how to apply that learning in your context.

You will practice a lot with Systems Modelling and apply Innovation Games® during the duration of the course so that you will be able get your organization into a healthier state.


Basic Scrum knowledge is expected and can be achieved by attending a Certified ScrumMaster or a Professional ScrumMaster course, or thoroughly reading Scrum introduction material such as the Scrum Primer and practicing Scrum.

All participants get access to the draft of the book: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

After Course Completion

All participants will be a Certified LeSS Practitioner and will get an account on less.works. Here they can find additional information about LeSS, share course information and stay in contact with the other course participants.

На это мероприятие нет открытых дат.

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Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® в ScrumAlliance

На это мероприятие нет открытых дат.

По вопросам участия обращайтесь:

Международная сертификация: Certified LeSS Practitioner (CLP).
Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

Что будет на классе "Certified LeSS Practitioner":

  1. Системное мышление в основе организационных изменений, change management
  2. Формирование продуктовых команд, продукт, продуктовое мышление. Масштабирование продуктовых практик
  3. Масштабирование Scrum
  4. Создание общего беклога, работа с беклогом на масштабе 5+ команд
  5. Многокомандные встречи, фасилитация в масштабе
  6. Качество как основа продуктовой разработки. Инженерное качество. Принципы обеспечения качества на большом скейле
  7. Взращивание end-to-end команд, team development roadmap
  8. Роли в скейле
  9. Взаимодействие команд в рамках одного продукта, синхронизация работы, координация команд в масштабе
  10. Посторонние discovery/delivery pipeline на масштабе

Для кого этот класс:

  1. Для VP of Product, VP of engineering продуктовых компаний, которые находятся на этапе перехода с Introduction в Growth, хотят масштабировать инжиниринг
  2. Для head of PMo, Head of Business line классических компаний, которые на пороге больших трансформаций
  3. Для компаний, которые используют Scrum и ищут понимания как его масштабировать. Класс 3 дня. Ведут практики того, о чем рассказывают. Будет очень глубоко и основательно.

What is LeSS

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.

LeSS is to the organization what Scrum is to the team: a simple, powerful, large-scale product development framework designed to evolve into something that fits perfectly with any unique context.

If you are not moving at the speed of the marketplace you're already dead - you just haven't stopped breathing yet. - Jack Welch

The organization structure in which most of us operate today can be quite an obstacle to respond adequately to a fast-changing business environment. In fact, traditional organization structures are not designed to deal with a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. This leads to employees feeling disengaged from their companies, and to companies being outpaced by their competition.

Consequently, organizations need to redesign their structures to cope with the phenomenon and increase their capability to move faster than competition, incorporate new technology, learn new skills...

LeSS will give you exactly that competitive advantage!

Class Impressions

Jurgen was an excellent trainer and facilitator. He answered all questions but first challenged the participants to figure out the answers ourselves. He was able to relate to the developers on a personal level b/c of past experience: this bought him credibility that most trainers do not have. Most of the training was spent doing exercises in groups, which kept me engaged and interested. That also made the content feel real. I was really impressed with the training and by Jurgen

Who should Attend

The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is for anyone who is involved a large agile adoption. Basic Scrum knowledge is expected.


The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework, rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group.

  • Why LeSS?
  • Scrum, LeSS and LeSS Huge Overview
  • LeSS Rules and Principles
  • Organizing around Customer Value and Feature Teams
  • What is your product?
  • Definition of Done and its impacts.
  • Product Owner and Product Backlog
  • Role of Management
  • Organizational impacts and typical LeSS organizational structure
  • LeSS Product Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, Review and Retrospective
  • Consideration on technical practices when scaling.
  • Integration & Coordination
  • Adopting LeSS in your organization
  • ScrumMaster role within LeSS

The course is based on group exercises with lots of Q&A. During the 3 days you will get insights from LeSS adoptions at Agfa Healthcare, Base Company, Sparefoot and how to apply that learning in your context.

You will practice a lot with Systems Modelling and apply Innovation Games® during the duration of the course so that you will be able get your organization into a healthier state.


Basic Scrum knowledge is expected and can be achieved by attending a Certified ScrumMaster or a Professional ScrumMaster course, or thoroughly reading Scrum introduction material such as the Scrum Primer and practicing Scrum.

All participants get access to the draft of the book: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

After Course Completion

All participants will be a Certified LeSS Practitioner and will get an account on less.works. Here they can find additional information about LeSS, share course information and stay in contact with the other course participants.


Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® в ScrumAlliance

Рекомендованные мероприятия

Алексей Кривицкий  

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Алексей Кривицкий  

Этот сертифицированный онлайн-курс раскроет перед вам мир масштабной продуктовой разработки на 5, 10 или 11...

Алексей Кривицкий  

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