Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-1) with Olaf | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

тренинг: Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-1) with Olaf

Международная сертификация: CAL-1 with ScrumAlliance.
Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

Video-Invitation from Olaf
This Certified Agile Leadership class with Olaf Lewitz is a special experience - it creates a magical container that challenges you to understand what you are looking for as a leader. We invite you to inspire changes in your relationships and contexts, to nurture growth in new ways.

On the first day the focus will be on your personal journey. On day two we will apply our learnings and principles, along with our model and other tools to the frame of agile organisations.

Be prepared to be surprised and challenged! You may bring your comfort zone but you might not spend much time in it.

About Certified Agile Leadership Program from Scrum Alliance

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As the world of work becomes increasingly complex, organizations and leaders are called upon to deliver more innovative products and services on a more frequent basis, while keeping the company’s culture dynamic and gratifying.

CAL I is an introductory, educational course that consists of in depth leadership development learning objectives across five categories. The goal of CAL I is to bring awareness of agile leadership thinking, focus, and behaviors; and to start (or meet where they are) the agile leader on their learning journey. CAL I is your stepping stone to CAL II, which continues your journey with a deep dive into your leadership development practice and success.

The Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) program (CAL 1 + CAL 2) is a unique two-part education and practice-based program to develop agile leadership competency and maturity.

Through the CAL program, you can increase your leadership effectiveness and learn how to be a better leader, no matter what your role.


After the training the participants will receive Certified Agile Leadership credential 1 (CAL 1) from Scrum Alliance. Read more about CAL certifications.

Who This Course Is For

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No matter if you are a manager with decades of experience or if leadership or agile is fairly new to you, this course creates a container for that diversity and ambiguity to fuel growth and learning for all.

This class will be especially beneficial for these participants:

  • Executives, Manager and Leaders of all levels
  • Scrum-Master, Product Owner, Agile Coaches
  • Project and Team Leads

Your Key Take-Aways

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This is what you’ll take away: how to create containers for greatness to happen. And how you personally want to improve to be able to do that.

  • Start your journey to your next level of leadership
  • More clarity of who you are and what you want
  • More awareness of how you manage contexts and develop relationships
  • Clear focus on a growth challenge for the upcoming 6 month with a clear sense of progress
  • A set of principles which apply to leading your life, your team and your organisation
  • You will have experienced the effect of a container of trust, which leads people to show up and integrates ambiguities and diversity into a driving force
  • Knowing how it feels when you co-lead as a WE
  • A long list of inspirations and recommendations
  • New friends!

What to Expect?

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Growth as a person, growth in relationship. We minimize the time you spend sitting and listening to us. We maximize the depth and breadth of experience and provide mental models to make sense of what you discover.

We could ask you to take the lead on a topic in the training. We intend to challenge each other in the course, independent of how long you've been in the Agile context. We want to create the content with all of you. It is an art to know when to lead and when to follow. Graceful movement among roles and responsibilities, deciding what to do in which context and situation, add to your experience.

On the first day, the focus will be on your personal journey. On day two we will apply our learnings and principles, along with our model and other tools to the frame of agile organizations. Be prepared to be surprised and challenged. You may bring your comfort zone, but you might not spend much time in it :-)

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Certified Enterprise Coach

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Международная сертификация: CAL-1 with ScrumAlliance.
Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

Video-Invitation from Olaf
This Certified Agile Leadership class with Olaf Lewitz is a special experience - it creates a magical container that challenges you to understand what you are looking for as a leader. We invite you to inspire changes in your relationships and contexts, to nurture growth in new ways.

On the first day the focus will be on your personal journey. On day two we will apply our learnings and principles, along with our model and other tools to the frame of agile organisations.

Be prepared to be surprised and challenged! You may bring your comfort zone but you might not spend much time in it.

About Certified Agile Leadership Program from Scrum Alliance

Alt Text

As the world of work becomes increasingly complex, organizations and leaders are called upon to deliver more innovative products and services on a more frequent basis, while keeping the company’s culture dynamic and gratifying.

CAL I is an introductory, educational course that consists of in depth leadership development learning objectives across five categories. The goal of CAL I is to bring awareness of agile leadership thinking, focus, and behaviors; and to start (or meet where they are) the agile leader on their learning journey. CAL I is your stepping stone to CAL II, which continues your journey with a deep dive into your leadership development practice and success.

The Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) program (CAL 1 + CAL 2) is a unique two-part education and practice-based program to develop agile leadership competency and maturity.

Through the CAL program, you can increase your leadership effectiveness and learn how to be a better leader, no matter what your role.


After the training the participants will receive Certified Agile Leadership credential 1 (CAL 1) from Scrum Alliance. Read more about CAL certifications.

Who This Course Is For

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No matter if you are a manager with decades of experience or if leadership or agile is fairly new to you, this course creates a container for that diversity and ambiguity to fuel growth and learning for all.

This class will be especially beneficial for these participants:

  • Executives, Manager and Leaders of all levels
  • Scrum-Master, Product Owner, Agile Coaches
  • Project and Team Leads

Your Key Take-Aways

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This is what you’ll take away: how to create containers for greatness to happen. And how you personally want to improve to be able to do that.

  • Start your journey to your next level of leadership
  • More clarity of who you are and what you want
  • More awareness of how you manage contexts and develop relationships
  • Clear focus on a growth challenge for the upcoming 6 month with a clear sense of progress
  • A set of principles which apply to leading your life, your team and your organisation
  • You will have experienced the effect of a container of trust, which leads people to show up and integrates ambiguities and diversity into a driving force
  • Knowing how it feels when you co-lead as a WE
  • A long list of inspirations and recommendations
  • New friends!

What to Expect?

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Growth as a person, growth in relationship. We minimize the time you spend sitting and listening to us. We maximize the depth and breadth of experience and provide mental models to make sense of what you discover.

We could ask you to take the lead on a topic in the training. We intend to challenge each other in the course, independent of how long you've been in the Agile context. We want to create the content with all of you. It is an art to know when to lead and when to follow. Graceful movement among roles and responsibilities, deciding what to do in which context and situation, add to your experience.

On the first day, the focus will be on your personal journey. On day two we will apply our learnings and principles, along with our model and other tools to the frame of agile organizations. Be prepared to be surprised and challenged. You may bring your comfort zone, but you might not spend much time in it :-)


Certified Enterprise Coach

Рекомендованные мероприятия

Алексей Кривицкий  

Чи готові ви підвищити рівень своїх знань та вдосконалити навички в ролі Scrum-майстра? Якщо так, то настав час отримати сертифікат Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster (CSP®-SM) на тренінгу Олексія Кривицького.

Алексей Кривицкий  

Алексей Кривицкий приглашает вас на авторскую углубленную 6-недельную дистанционную программу развития и прокачки Скрам-мастеров с возможностью последующей сертификации Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM℠) от Scrum Alliance. Программа разработана и подойдёт тем, кто уже имеет 1 и более года опыта в роли Скрам-мастера.

Алексей Кривицкий  

Это официальный интенсивный сертификационный класс от Scrum Alliance. Курс читает Алексей Кривицкий - Certified Scrum Trainer, разработчик, скрам-мастер и практикующий agile-коуч с 2008 года.

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