LeSS Podcast with Robert Briese, Wolfgang Steffens : Insights from several attempted LeSS Huge adoptions | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

вебінар: LeSS Podcast with Robert Briese, Wolfgang Steffens: Insights from several attempted LeSS Huge adoptions

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As a LeSS Day Europe 2020 warm-up, this special edition of LeSS Conference Podcast introduces you to two of our speakers: Robert Briese (Certified LeSS Trainer from Germany) and Wolfgang Steffens (Certified LeSS Trainer from Finland). In this podcast they will share their stories and insights from LeSS Huge adoptions at several known corporations.

LeSS Huge is the second of the two LeSS frameworks used when there are 7+ teams working together on a single product.
And such a scale introduces even more challenges and complexity. So all about this in our podcast.

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Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Trainer® у ScrumAlliance

Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® у ScrumAlliance

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Мова заходу: російська.

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As a LeSS Day Europe 2020 warm-up, this special edition of LeSS Conference Podcast introduces you to two of our speakers: Robert Briese (Certified LeSS Trainer from Germany) and Wolfgang Steffens (Certified LeSS Trainer from Finland). In this podcast they will share their stories and insights from LeSS Huge adoptions at several known corporations.

LeSS Huge is the second of the two LeSS frameworks used when there are 7+ teams working together on a single product.
And such a scale introduces even more challenges and complexity. So all about this in our podcast.

Join us


Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Trainer® у ScrumAlliance

Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® у ScrumAlliance

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Олексій Кривицький, Дмитро Незабитовський  

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Дмитро Незабитовський, Олександр Червінський  

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Дмитро Незабитовський, Олександр Червінський  

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