ORSC™ Series | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

тренінг: ORSC ™ Series

Мова заходу: англійська.
Адреса місця проведення найближчого заходу: Киев
Ознайомтеся з умовами реєстрації та оплати
Методи оплати: банківським переказом, за договором від юр. особи і миттєво

Опис заходу


You will be introduced to a cutting edge coaching model based on Systems Theory, Process Work, Family Systems Therapy, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Quantum Physics, Co-Active Coaching™, and Taoism.

At its core is an evolution of the principles of Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself), and Social Intelligence (relationship with other) to Relationship Systems Intelligence where the focus is on the collective wisdom of the group, team or system.


Take your ORSC™ training to its logical conclusion by becoming a world class practitioner through enrollment in ORSC™ Certification. This unique, comprehensive eight-month program with extensive practice, online study and supervision, is designed to produce the best ORSC™ practitioners in the world. Certification moves the ORSC material out of the introductory level to mastery and practical application.

The courses must be taken in order as each one builds upon the previous course.

  4. PATH

What is ORSC™?

Alt Text
ORSC™ stands for Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching. ORSC™ is an integrated and robust coaching model based on Relationship Systems Intelligence™. Beyond Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself) and Social Intelligence (relationship with other) is the realm of Relationship Systems Intelligence where one’s focus shifts to the relationship with the group, team or system. This approach creates sustainable and resilient teams and families.

How does ORSC™ work with other coaching and training methodologies?

The analogy that we like to use is that ORSC™ is an operating system upon which other applications, mental models and approaches can be reinterpreted. Once our students make the paradigm shift from engaging individuals to the entire group (what we call The Third Entity™), a whole new world of opportunities emerge. Many students report great satisfaction because what they’ve already learned and used in their work is even more effective when coupled with ORSC™ principles.

Most of my clients are individuals. How does “relationship systems coaching” impact one-on-one coaching?

Human beings are complex, and a single person is a system unto herself, with many relationships that impact her life.

Her relationship to money, to food, to work, to family, to friends, to herself. Relationship systems coaching focuses on the totality of your client, a more effective approach that encompasses all her facets, interdependencies, and dichotomies.

What courses comprise the ORSC™ series?

Fundamentals: 2-day course that delivers the basics of ORSC™ including how to coach the Third Entity. Prerequisites: 40 hours coach training or prior experience as an OD or allied professional (therapist, trainer, facilitator). 12 CCEUs.

Intelligence: 3-day course that provides a theoretical and practical mental model underlying all change management. Prerequisite: ORSC™ Fundamentals course. 18 CCEUs.

Geography: 3-day course that explores roles, paradoxes and diversity in relationships. Prerequisite: Intelligence course. 18 CCEUs.

Path: 3-day course that takes a soft focus on the space, power and potential of relationships. Prerequisite: Geography course. 18 CCEUs.

Systems Integration: 3-day course that brings all the pieces together by providing a learning space for honing the skill or relationship systems coaching. Prerequisite: Path course. 18 CCEUs.


We encourage you to call us at +380682391778, or contact us. We can answer all your questions about ORSC™ and the courses we offer.


Courses, Start dates, Days of week:

ORSC Fundamentals 26-27 October 18 Friday - Saturday

Relationship Intelligence
System Geography
Relationship Path
Systems Integration

Package deal: ORSC Fundamentals and Intermediate

If you intend to do both Fundamentals and Intermediate you can register with an attractive package discount:



Відкрита дата
5 800 USD (231 710 грн.)

З питань участі звертайтесь:


Executive, Team and Organizational, Master Coach, Israel. ORSCC, CPCC, MCC
Відкрита дата
5 800 USD (231 710 грн.)

З питань участі звертайтесь:

Мова заходу: англійська.
Адреса місця проведення найближчого заходу: Киев
Ознайомтеся з умовами реєстрації та оплати
Методи оплати: банківським переказом, за договором від юр. особи і миттєво

Опис заходу


You will be introduced to a cutting edge coaching model based on Systems Theory, Process Work, Family Systems Therapy, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Quantum Physics, Co-Active Coaching™, and Taoism.

At its core is an evolution of the principles of Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself), and Social Intelligence (relationship with other) to Relationship Systems Intelligence where the focus is on the collective wisdom of the group, team or system.


Take your ORSC™ training to its logical conclusion by becoming a world class practitioner through enrollment in ORSC™ Certification. This unique, comprehensive eight-month program with extensive practice, online study and supervision, is designed to produce the best ORSC™ practitioners in the world. Certification moves the ORSC material out of the introductory level to mastery and practical application.

The courses must be taken in order as each one builds upon the previous course.

  4. PATH

What is ORSC™?

Alt Text
ORSC™ stands for Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching. ORSC™ is an integrated and robust coaching model based on Relationship Systems Intelligence™. Beyond Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself) and Social Intelligence (relationship with other) is the realm of Relationship Systems Intelligence where one’s focus shifts to the relationship with the group, team or system. This approach creates sustainable and resilient teams and families.

How does ORSC™ work with other coaching and training methodologies?

The analogy that we like to use is that ORSC™ is an operating system upon which other applications, mental models and approaches can be reinterpreted. Once our students make the paradigm shift from engaging individuals to the entire group (what we call The Third Entity™), a whole new world of opportunities emerge. Many students report great satisfaction because what they’ve already learned and used in their work is even more effective when coupled with ORSC™ principles.

Most of my clients are individuals. How does “relationship systems coaching” impact one-on-one coaching?

Human beings are complex, and a single person is a system unto herself, with many relationships that impact her life.

Her relationship to money, to food, to work, to family, to friends, to herself. Relationship systems coaching focuses on the totality of your client, a more effective approach that encompasses all her facets, interdependencies, and dichotomies.

What courses comprise the ORSC™ series?

Fundamentals: 2-day course that delivers the basics of ORSC™ including how to coach the Third Entity. Prerequisites: 40 hours coach training or prior experience as an OD or allied professional (therapist, trainer, facilitator). 12 CCEUs.

Intelligence: 3-day course that provides a theoretical and practical mental model underlying all change management. Prerequisite: ORSC™ Fundamentals course. 18 CCEUs.

Geography: 3-day course that explores roles, paradoxes and diversity in relationships. Prerequisite: Intelligence course. 18 CCEUs.

Path: 3-day course that takes a soft focus on the space, power and potential of relationships. Prerequisite: Geography course. 18 CCEUs.

Systems Integration: 3-day course that brings all the pieces together by providing a learning space for honing the skill or relationship systems coaching. Prerequisite: Path course. 18 CCEUs.


We encourage you to call us at +380682391778, or contact us. We can answer all your questions about ORSC™ and the courses we offer.


Courses, Start dates, Days of week:

ORSC Fundamentals 26-27 October 18 Friday - Saturday

Relationship Intelligence
System Geography
Relationship Path
Systems Integration

Package deal: ORSC Fundamentals and Intermediate

If you intend to do both Fundamentals and Intermediate you can register with an attractive package discount:




Executive, Team and Organizational, Master Coach, Israel. ORSCC, CPCC, MCC

Рекомендовані заходи

Дмитро Незабитовський, Олександр Червінський  

Decomposition for Agile Teams – це двомодульний, 12-годинний тренінг-інтенсив для охочих докладно розібратися в інструментах декомпозиції, оцінки та пріоритезування елементів для використання у своїх Agile командах. Після закінчення навчання ви отримаєте іменний сертифікат з унікальним номером, англійською мовою – "Decomposition for Agile T...

Євгеній Лабунський  

Дводенний поглиблений клас присвячений фасилітації у масштабі. Курс сертифікаційний, після закінчення учасники отримують іменні сертифікати ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF Certified professional). Від практики до просунутого рівня та масштабних зустрічей.

Олексій Кривицький  

Це офіційний інтенсивний сертифікаційний клас Scrum Alliance. Курс читає Олексій Кривицький – Certified Scrum Trainer, розробник, скрам-майстер та практикуючий agile-коуч з 2008 року.

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