"Why your business needs Agile?" | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

митап: "Why your business needs Agile?"

Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

You still think Agile works in theory only?
You`re still sure your business does not need it?
Well, you may be right. Or…?

####Come and listen a panel discussion “WHY YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS AGILE?”

Find out how (and if) Agile can be useful from different points of view: business representative, experienced Scrum master, and Agile coach. Make your own conclusions.


Stacia Viscardi, Certified Scrum Trainer, and organizational transformation expert. She gained an early project management understanding as a manufacturing project manager in the early nineties back when TQM was all the rage; she landed in the technology world in 1999 and never looked back. In 2003 she became the sixty-second Certified ScrumMaster (there are now over 300,000!), and founded AgileEvolution in 2006.

She has helped companies such as Cisco Systems, Martha Stewart Living, Primavera, DoubleClick, Google, Razorfish, MyPublisher, Washington Post, and many others to find their way to agility. Co-author of the Software Project Manager's Bridge to Agility and author of The Professional ScrumMaster's Handbook, Stacia has taught Agile in 19 countries and is active in the ScrumAlliance as a CST and trusted community advisor.

Evgeniy Labunskiy, Agile coach at Scrum Ukraine, has over 10 years of experience in Agile working with clients from Hong Kong all the way to the USA. Used Scrum from 2008 when it was not a mainstream yet. Over 6 years worked in an outsourcing company in a number of various projects, where he was one of the main adherents of Scrum. In 2015, among the first in Ukraine, started to use Agile in non-IT companies. A big fan of Large Scaled Scrum as a tool for building Agile organizations.

Alexey Syrotyuk, Department Manager at Sigma Software. Alexey has over 10 years of project management experience, certified as PMI PMP and Certified Outsourcing Professional (IAOP). Leads the Innovations Department within Sigma Software, works with world-renowned clients in such areas as automotive, media and telecom, and others. Alexey heads Sigma Software Lviv office of.

Evgeniy Bachinskiy, Sigma Software, Quality Director at Sigma Software. Evgeniy has been working in the IT industry for over 10 years as a project manager, certified PMI PMP and CSPO. Evgeniy has experience of being a supplier and a customer working for a company from Global Fortune 500 list.

When: March 13th 19:00-21:00
Where: Sigma Software office (Kyiv, Yaroslavskaya str., 58, Astarta business center, 7th floor)
Price: 300 UAH

Scrum Ukraine, a Coaching Company
Sigma Software

Don`t miss!

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Certified Scrum Trainer®

Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® в ScrumAlliance

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Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

You still think Agile works in theory only?
You`re still sure your business does not need it?
Well, you may be right. Or…?

####Come and listen a panel discussion “WHY YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS AGILE?”

Find out how (and if) Agile can be useful from different points of view: business representative, experienced Scrum master, and Agile coach. Make your own conclusions.


Stacia Viscardi, Certified Scrum Trainer, and organizational transformation expert. She gained an early project management understanding as a manufacturing project manager in the early nineties back when TQM was all the rage; she landed in the technology world in 1999 and never looked back. In 2003 she became the sixty-second Certified ScrumMaster (there are now over 300,000!), and founded AgileEvolution in 2006.

She has helped companies such as Cisco Systems, Martha Stewart Living, Primavera, DoubleClick, Google, Razorfish, MyPublisher, Washington Post, and many others to find their way to agility. Co-author of the Software Project Manager's Bridge to Agility and author of The Professional ScrumMaster's Handbook, Stacia has taught Agile in 19 countries and is active in the ScrumAlliance as a CST and trusted community advisor.

Evgeniy Labunskiy, Agile coach at Scrum Ukraine, has over 10 years of experience in Agile working with clients from Hong Kong all the way to the USA. Used Scrum from 2008 when it was not a mainstream yet. Over 6 years worked in an outsourcing company in a number of various projects, where he was one of the main adherents of Scrum. In 2015, among the first in Ukraine, started to use Agile in non-IT companies. A big fan of Large Scaled Scrum as a tool for building Agile organizations.

Alexey Syrotyuk, Department Manager at Sigma Software. Alexey has over 10 years of project management experience, certified as PMI PMP and Certified Outsourcing Professional (IAOP). Leads the Innovations Department within Sigma Software, works with world-renowned clients in such areas as automotive, media and telecom, and others. Alexey heads Sigma Software Lviv office of.

Evgeniy Bachinskiy, Sigma Software, Quality Director at Sigma Software. Evgeniy has been working in the IT industry for over 10 years as a project manager, certified PMI PMP and CSPO. Evgeniy has experience of being a supplier and a customer working for a company from Global Fortune 500 list.

When: March 13th 19:00-21:00
Where: Sigma Software office (Kyiv, Yaroslavskaya str., 58, Astarta business center, 7th floor)
Price: 300 UAH

Scrum Ukraine, a Coaching Company
Sigma Software

Don`t miss!


Certified Scrum Trainer®

Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® в ScrumAlliance

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